Keaton Lucas Barrón
How does one describe the best person he or she has ever known? Keaton Lucas was born on March 21, 2010. He was the sweetest baby - always happy, laid-back, and full of joy.
As a toddler, he was an "old soul" who loved Mickey Mouse, the Oklahoma City Thunder, and the OSU Cowboys. After a few unexplained illnesses, his parents took him to the doctor and heard the words no parent ever wants to hear, "It looks like leukemia." Keaton was rushed to OU Children's Hospital and began treatment immediately.
For three and a half years, Keaton battled this disease and successfully finished chemotherapy on December 27, 2015. However, he relapsed on March 22, 2016, and relapsed again on July 18, 2017. He fought hard, taking every medication and following every order given by his doctors who worked so hard to try and save him.
Throughout his five and a half years of chemotherapy, radiation, t-cell therapy and more, Keaton remained positive, agreeable, hilarious, and sweet. He always put others ahead of himself and fought with grace and courage, never complaining about the countless hospital and clinic visits or missing out on so many life experiences because of his illness. Keaton was a shining example of what it means to live with kindness, courage, compassion, and care for others every single day.
Keaton passed away at home on May 11, 2018. He touched many lives, taught others about faith, hope, and never giving up, and leaves a legacy that his family and friends hope to share for years to come.