Blaise Cox
Blaise’s diagnosis came very suddenly in May 2019. The only indication was his poor coloring which was dismissed as fair skin since he seemed otherwise healthy. He was at a party when he had sudden stomach pain and lost all coloring in his face. Two days later he was in the ER where a CT scan revealed a ruptured tumor in his left kidney which was causing his pain.
Blaise's Journey
Within minutes of Blaise’s parents hearing what the CT scan had shown, a friend who is a urologist was at the hospital orchestrating and walking them through the next steps. Blaise was transferred and admitted to OU Children’s that night where he would have surgery a few days later to remove the tumor along with his entire kidney. Pathology results returned as Wilms Tumor, and Blaise began five months of chemotherapy.
Blaise has recently said that he received “a miracle” by his tumor rupturing and allowing the cancer to be discovered at an early stage. His faith in God has never waivered, and his parents have seen him grow as he leans into it in the hard times. He has officially been in remission since his surgery in May of 2019. Blaise enjoys serving as an altar boy at his church, playing with his friends, Muay Thai, jiu jitsu, swimming, jumping on trampolines, playing video games, and of course, Legos!